Session 50: Get Your ACT Together with Dr. Jonathan Tarbox!

Session 50 Get your ACT together with Jonathan Tarbox

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is an exciting development in Behavior Analysis. In this episode of The Behavioral Observations Podcast, Jonathan Tarbox not only describes the basic ACT processes, he relates each one to basic, understandable behavioral principles. In doing so, he ads clarity as it relates to the applicability of the ACT processes, as well as provides guidance so that Behavior Analysts can stay within their scope of practice.

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There are 1.5 Type 2 Continuing Education credits earned for participating in this event.

Objectives of this training:

  1. The participant will be able to describe why ACT is similar to a Differential Reinforcement of Alternative behavior (DRA) procedure.
  2. The participant will be able to describe a Defusion procedure.
  3. The participant will be able to describe how to stay within their scope of practice when utilizing ACT principles.
  4. The participant will describe how use Values identification to improve paperwork compliance.
  5. The participant will describe one technique for practicing Present Moment Awareness.

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