Welcome to behavioralobservations.com!

I think one of the founders of Linkedin said something like, “If you’re not embarrassed by the first version of you’re product, then you’ve launched it too late.” While I’m not in any sort of hurry, I think this quote provided some needed motivation to publish my first blog post.

So keeping this in mind, I’d like to welcome you to behavioralobservations.com! When I talked with my wife about this venture, the first question she asked was, “Who is your intended audience?” In general, the answer is anyone who is interested in all things behavioral, which may include,

My fellow Board Certified Behavior Analysts,
Parents of individuals who have repertoires of problem behaviors or specialized learning needs (e.g., children with Autism Spectrum Disorders, or other developmental delays),
Teachers and school administrators who are interested in a “behavioral” take on common discipline and conduct issues, presented in straightforward terms

This list could go on and on, so in keeping with the quote I mentioned above, I’m going to hit the, “post,” button. Please say hello in the comments section and stay tuned for subsequent posts. Thanks for reading!